In order to begin production on your order, please follow the steps below and review our Terms and Conditions before placing an order. If you have any questions or concerns PLEASE EMAIL US at and one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff will be more than happy to assist you.
After we receive your roster, your invoice will be created and emailed to you. Please review it and when you are ready to make the payment you can use the payment options located on your invoice to pay online or you can contact our customer service to pay via credit/debit card. We accept the payment options below:
Credit/Debit card (visa/master/American)
Bank Wire Transfer
Money Gram
Western Union
We also offer 100% OFF ON CUSTOM UNIFORM SAMPLE. If you order your own customized sample uniform, we will apply the 100% refund for the cost of the sample towards your next invoice, when you place the whole order. (7-10 day turnaround time for a rush order)
** For questions and information regarding our policy for returns, corrections, exchanges, graphics/designs, cancellations, credit/payment, check, processing/shipping time, uniform care instructions, and additional add-on orders, please refer to our FAQ’s and Terms and Conditions**
Online Inquiry: Please visit our site or you can send your questions via email at (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Email Inquiry: